At this time registration for Golf Fun Day is closed and we are no longer accepting reservations or sponsorships. We hope you can participate and join us next year! Thank you!
Event Location
Pacific Palms
Conference Resort at Industry Hills
One Industry Hills Parkway
Industry, CA 91744
Hotel accommodations available at Pacific Palms for a special rate of $169 plus tax. For reservations, please call the hotel at 800-524-4557. Mention that you are part of Gelson's Golf Fun Day.

Golf Format
Scoring will be determined using a scramble format, "Bogey is your friend."
Golfers will play in teams of four and will be grouped and selected for each course.
We will provide refreshments throughout the day.
Golf course dress code: Collared shirts and Bermuda shorts permitted. No denim or tank tops.
For more information about Gelson's Golf Fun Day 2024 please call Jackie Bagarotti at 818-906-5731.
7:00 am - Continental breakfast & registration
7:45 am - Check-in closes
8:00 am - Golf begins, shotgun start
1:30 pm - Cocktails
3:00 pm - Dinner & prizes
Prizes and awards to be given out after dinner. Please stay for our famous giveaway!