Online Shopping FAQs
What cards do you accept?
Can I pay with a foreign credit card?
Is it safe to provide my credit card and other personal information?
Will I be charged sales tax?
Is there a limit to how much I may order?
How are your floral gifts, gift baskets and gift cards shipped?
May I ship to multiple destinations?
If a gift card is lost or stolen, will you replace it?
Can I be sure my gift will arrive on time?
May I purchase gift baskets containing alcohol if I am under 21 years of age?
How can I check delivery status on my floral gift, gift basket or gift card?
May I cancel my order?
How can I be sure my gift will be perfect?
May the gift recipient return their gift?
Contact/More Questions
Mobile App FAQs
Who do I contact if I have an issue with the mobile application?
I'm having trouble logging in on the app, what do I do?
I forgot my Sign-In password – How do I get back into my account?
How do I get help with grocery shopping?
How can I view the weekly ad for my store in the mobile app?
Can I change/edit my email address or communication preferences on the mobile app?
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