Dessert Recipes

Plum Compote with Vanilla Ice Cream




Plum Compote with Vanilla Ice Cream

Serves: 4


4 plums halved pitted and sliced into 12 slices each
1/2 cup water
3/4 cup Kinsen plum wine
1/4 cup sugar
1 Melissas vanilla bean
3 fresh mint leaves slivered
2 cups Breyers light vanilla bean ice cream


Combine water, wine, and sugar, in a medium saucepan. Slit vanilla bean lengthwise and use the tip of the knife to scrape the tiny beans into the pot. Add the pod to the pot, too. Heat over high heat and bring to a boil. Cook about 10 to 15 minutes, until liquid is reduced by a little more than half and has a syrupy thickness. Remove from heat and stir in slivered mint leaves.

Add plum slices and toss to coat. Arrange in a single layer so that all plum slices are marinating in the syrup. Cover saucepan and refrigerate overnight.

Just before youre ready to eat, uncover the saucepan and place it on the stove. Heat over medium high heat for about 2 to 3 minutes, to warm slightly. Scoop 1/2 cup of ice cream into each of four dessert bowls and top with 1/2 cup of warm plum compote.