Sushi can be served raw or cooked, but either way, it is intended to be eaten as soon as possible. So, how long should sushi from a grocery store last? Preferably, it should be consumed within a couple of hours. Eating bad or spoiled sushi can lead to bacterial infections and other foodborne illnesses. But as long as your sushi is fresh, you can enjoy its quality, flavor, and nutritional benefits.
Storing Store-Bought Sushi Is Not Recommended
The uncertainty when you purchase items from sushi spots near you is you don’t know when and how they were cooked. Ideally, store-bought sushi should be consumed within an hour or two.
While you cannot store sushi for long if you purchased it in the store, you can buy the ingredients and prepare it at home. If you go this route, how long it can last depends on the type of sushi, which can include the following:
- Raw Sushi: Raw sushi can stay fresh for two to three hours at room temperature if it hasn’t started to spoil.
- Cooked Sushi: At room temperature, sushi that includes cooked seafood and vegetables can remain fresh for four hours.
- Sushi with Veggies: Homemade sushi with vegetables can last up to a week when refrigerated and up to two months if frozen.
Sushi with Meats: Cooked meats can last three to four days. They’re safer to store than raw meats. Sushi cooked with prawns can be refrigerated for up to a week, while cooked salmon or tuna sushi can last a couple of days. If you freeze cooked meat sushi, it can last for up to two months.
Guidelines for Storing Sushi
Here are some general guidelines about storing sushi and food in general:
- According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), leftovers can spoil after two hours at room temperature or after one hour outdoors if the temperature exceeds 90℉.
- The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) advises refrigerating raw fish and shellfish for one to two days. After cooking, it can be refrigerated for three to four days.
Therefore, raw sushi or sashimi can be stored at room temperature for up to two hours and a day or two in the refrigerator. Cooked sushi stays fresh at room temperature for a couple of hours and up to four days when refrigerated.
However, sushi can be frozen to increase its shelf-life, although this will reduce product quality.
How to Keep Sushi Fresh Overnight
Clean sushi lasts longer. Since you don’t know how and when the sushi from the grocery store was prepared, it’s hard to know if any contaminants are present that can cause it to spoil sooner. Sushi should be prepared quickly with clean utensils. Always assess the quality of the product and the packaging before you buy sushi. Don’t buy it if the wrapping is torn or damaged.
If you must store a batch of sushi (again, this is recommended only if you made it at home), do so in an airtight container. This avoids bacterial growth. You should not store cooked and raw food together. Keeping them separate prevents contamination from the raw food. If you don’t have an airtight container, wrap the sushi tightly in foil or a cling film.
To prevent sushi from drying out, wrap it in paper towels dampened with water. Then, place it in a plastic food wrap and put it in an airtight container or Ziploc bag. To be on the safe side, label the date and time of storage.
How to Tell When Sushi Has Spoiled
Eating spoiled sushi can get you sick. Your senses can tell you whether it has gone bad. Common signs sushi from a grocery store has spoiled include the following:
- Odor: An unpleasant smell from your sushi usually means bacteria are growing in it.
- Look: Spoiled sushi tends to look duller than fresh sushi. It can also have mold, while a leaking container can mean the food is decomposing.
- Feel: Slimy fish or rice means the food has gone bad and should be thrown out.
- Taste: Spoiled or bad sushi may taste sour or bland.
- Symptoms: The symptoms of foodborne illnesses vary but often include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.
Always Check the Expiration Date
When you purchase packaged sushi, check the label for the expiration date. It should not be eaten more than a day past the sell-by date.
Buy Fresh Sushi at Gelson’s
At Gelson’s, we have dozens of sushi dishes to choose from. Our supermarket chain is committed to selling fresh, nutritious meals and ingredients. Continue browsing, and feel free to place an order online for pickup or delivery. Or, if you’re looking for sushi spots near you, visit one of our many stores in the Los Angeles area.
Sanraku: How To Keep Sushi Fresh Overnight
Kelly Loves: How long does sushi last before going bad?
Healthline: How Long Does Leftover Sushi Last?